Saturday, February 20, 2016

Genu Varum X Ray to Diagnose Bow Legged

Genu varum is kind of disorder where is the knee bowing outward and creating bowing leg appearance. This kind of disorder is often happen in toddlers and getting more severe when it doesn’t get immediately action. This bow legged can be diagnosed by Genu varum x ray that often recommended for child under three years that will give clear image of the leg which is bowing.

At the first time the diagnosis will be done with examining the physical condition of the kids and measure the space between the knees to know the disorder intensity. After the physical examination, doctor will do more intensive diagnose such x ray diagnosis or blood test.

Genu Varum X Ray Diagnosis

Genu varum or bow legged can be diagnosed in several ways and one of the most recommended way is genu varum x ray. Such way will give clearer image of the bowing leg and can easily identify whether show there is rickets or blount’s disease. This kind of diagnosis often given for certain patients includes:

1. Child patient under three years of age
2. Patient who is the bowing condition in both legs is not equivalent
3. The bowing condition is getting more severe
4. The examination result indicates that there is another disease

When you have child under 3 years or may be 2,5 years old when the first time visit the doctor to confirm the symmetrically bow legged on him/her, doctor will recommend an x ray to indentify if there is childhood disease.

Related article: Genu varum treatment for adults

Children at three years of age often have greater possibility to get a blount’s disease or rickets. If genu varum x ray shows that there is one kind of disease such rickets signs, the doctor will do blood test to confirm the disorder presence and giving your child action of genu varum treatment.

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Genu Varum Treatment for Adults

The Genu Varum is a condition where your legs keep bowed out even when you stand on your feet and ankle together. This condition often happens to the infants whose ages are about 12 to 18 months. It can be the result of the particular position of the infants when they were still in the womb. You can discover more about bow legged on infant here:

Fortunately, this bone disorder can get fixed naturally without any treatments especially if it happens to the infants. But, what if this bow legged happens to the adults? Does the genu varum treatment necessary? If yes, what is the best treatment to correct the bowlegs? Well, let’s keep reading below to find out the answers.

Genu varum treatment options you can choose

Actually, there are so many various options of genu varum treatment for adults that you can choose. One of them is the knee osteotomy surgery. This particular surgery can be defined as one of the most successful treatments to cure the bow leg condition. This treatment will be focused on fixing or replacing the bones of your legs based on two different procedures that can be chosen, which are the opening wedge and the closing wedge. The opening wedge is about replacing and realign the bones, meanwhile the closing wedge is about removing the part of the bones in order to correct the align of the bones as well as possible.

Furthermore, after doing the knee osteotomy surgery, you have to do the long term treatments and rehabilitation in order to optimize the result of the surgery. So then, in the end of the day, you can get healed and feel relief nicely for a long time.

Moreover, there are also braces and special shoes that can be the other great options of genu varum treatment for you. This kind of equipment will be able to help you to correct the bow legs in the best way possible, especially if you are suffering from the mild degree deformities. In other words, the braces and the special shoes will help you to fix the alignment of your bones nicely.

This specific treatment may take a longer time, so you have to be a little bit more patient when you do it. Afterward, the best thing about the treatment using braces and special shoes is that all of the equipment has been created to have the specific design which is based on the particular condition of the bow legs, and also made of the best quality materials that can make its wearers always feel comfortable whenever they wear it.

Another genu varum treatment: Fixing bow legged with Yoga

genu varum treatment brace

After putting it all together, all of the genu varum treatment options above is great solutions that you can consider when you want to get free from the bow leg condition. However, it will be so much better if you choose one of them that can suit your requirements in the most right way. So then, the result of the treatment that you have done will suit your expectation in the most perfect way. Thus, you can feel relief and get free from the bow legged condition as quickly as possible.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Genu Valgum Deformity Brief Summary

genu valgum deformity
Acquiring a greater degree of understanding about genu valgum deformity can lead you to viewing it as something treatable rather than a condition that takes so much to handle. A person is considered having a genu valgum condition if the measurement of the gap length between the medial malleoli protrusions on each ankle amounts to less than 8 cm (a method of which done with the knees are placed closer one another). And that alone is not enough. One needs to be assessed of one’s age to determine whether if the condition is physiological or not. Further assessments include X-ray scan and blood tests.

A genu valgum deformity is a bone condition in which a suffering individual possesses a pair of legs that are bent inward, with their knees are drifting toward one another. The problem lies on the fact that the distal parts of the knee joints are malformed so much so that the knees are pointing inward. The cause of this condition can be attributed to several factors. Rickets can take the blame as it is a bone disease that causes the body to be unable to use vitamin D in absorbing calcium. Obesity also plays a role in that the knee joints have to take on a substantial force from the upper body. Other instances of genu valgum are idiopathic, meaning they can be carried on congenitally or perhaps of unknown reason.

Physiological genu valgum deformity fixes naturally by the body by the time a toddler reaches the age of around 7 or 8. If the condition persists past adolescence, physical treatment can be implemented to help the legs adjust to its normal shape and position. A surgery is a plausible option only when the condition is severe or if it causes the sufferer to feel pain.