Saturday, February 20, 2016

Genu Varum X Ray to Diagnose Bow Legged

Genu varum is kind of disorder where is the knee bowing outward and creating bowing leg appearance. This kind of disorder is often happen in toddlers and getting more severe when it doesn’t get immediately action. This bow legged can be diagnosed by Genu varum x ray that often recommended for child under three years that will give clear image of the leg which is bowing.

At the first time the diagnosis will be done with examining the physical condition of the kids and measure the space between the knees to know the disorder intensity. After the physical examination, doctor will do more intensive diagnose such x ray diagnosis or blood test.

Genu Varum X Ray Diagnosis

Genu varum or bow legged can be diagnosed in several ways and one of the most recommended way is genu varum x ray. Such way will give clearer image of the bowing leg and can easily identify whether show there is rickets or blount’s disease. This kind of diagnosis often given for certain patients includes:

1. Child patient under three years of age
2. Patient who is the bowing condition in both legs is not equivalent
3. The bowing condition is getting more severe
4. The examination result indicates that there is another disease

When you have child under 3 years or may be 2,5 years old when the first time visit the doctor to confirm the symmetrically bow legged on him/her, doctor will recommend an x ray to indentify if there is childhood disease.

Related article: Genu varum treatment for adults

Children at three years of age often have greater possibility to get a blount’s disease or rickets. If genu varum x ray shows that there is one kind of disease such rickets signs, the doctor will do blood test to confirm the disorder presence and giving your child action of genu varum treatment.

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